District Bratskoye -2, Krivoy Rog
The hotel BRATISLAVA is situated in new District Vsebratskoye-2, on entrance to the city from Odessa direction. You can get the hotel on mini buses numbered 310, 284, 279.
The rooms of the hotel are divided in 4 categories - Apartments, De Luxe Rooms, Comfort Rooms, and Ordinary Rooms. The rooms are also presented as single and double ones. Every room is equipped by: shower (bathroom in apartments), toilet, telephone with international access, TV set, radio and refrigerator.
Apartments and the rooms of De Luxe (A) type are equipped by conditioners ( warm/cold). All the rooms have the hall with the wardrobes. The apartments consist of two rooms - bedroom, dining room and a big hall.
The hotel complex includes: restaurant of high class and bar; banquet hall and summer place; conference-hall for 40 people and business center and Internet connection; Finnish Sauna; beauty saloon. Also main household services are available.
In cash and by credit cards. VISA, VISA electron, MASTERCARD, MAESTRO are accepted.
To book the rooms you have to call to the Administrator, advise the date and the time of arrival and also the type of the room.
The juridical persons want to pay on clearing they have to present the letter- the guarantee of the payment on time. The booking of the restaurant, conference hall for banquets, business meetings, dinners is carried out same way.